Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis of Service Quality Parameters Among Co-Operative...

Analysis of Service quality parameters among co-operative banks - a study with respect to Kerala Abstract Measuring customer satisfaction is critical in the process of serving the customer. The importance of improving service quality in the banking industry is highly considered for achieving objectives of the industry in whole. Service quality considerations are comparatively less among co-operative banks in the state due to various reasons. An in depth analysis of the service quality perceptions of their customers is essential to achieve sustainable growth for the sector. The perceived quality is normally assessed based on service quality dimensions such as tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The SEVPERF†¦show more content†¦The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) appointed a new commission to form fundamental principles. The commission in its report submitted in 1966 stated the following as the fundamental principles of co-operation: †¢ Voluntary, open and active membership †¢ Democratic control †¢ Member economic participation †¢ Autonomy and Independence †¢ Education, Training and Information †¢ Co-operation among co-operatives †¢ Concern for community 1.2 History of co-operative movement in India India has basically an agrarian economy with 72% of its total population residing in rural areas. The rural people need lot of services in daily life which are met by village co-operative societies. The seeds of cooperation in India were sown in 1904 when the first Cooperative Societies Act was passed. Since then, the cooperative movement has made significant progress. Cooperatives have extended across the entire country and there are currently an estimated 230 million members nationwide. The cooperative credit system of India has the largest network in the world and cooperatives have advanced more credit in the Indian agricultural sector than commercial banks. The village cooperative societies provide strategic inputs for the agricultural sector, consumer societies to meet their consumption requirements at concessional rates; marketing societies help the farmer to get remunerative prices and co-operative processing units help in value ad ditions to the rawShow MoreRelatedComparative Study of Commercial Banks and Co-Operative Banks20279 Words   |  82 PagesCOMPARATIVE STUDY OF COMMERCIAL BANKS AND CO-OPERATIVE BANKS Introduction The robust macroeconomic environment continued to underpin the financial performance of Indian banks during 2004-05, with major bank groups successfully weathering the impact of an upturn in interest cycle. 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