Thursday, February 27, 2020

Preparation for Mentorship ( Given Scenario) Essay

Preparation for Mentorship ( Given Scenario) - Essay Example Due to his many issues, Paul is identified as having a learning disability. However, his case is neither new nor is it unique, and certain metrics can be utilized to better understand the situation. According to Duffy (2004), mentors find assessment of underperforming learners to be a substantial challenge. However, it is the role of both the health care professional and mentor to offer support to such learners, ensuring they are competent in their practice. Thus, as a mentor, coaching around Paul’s learning disability may make the process more difficult, but definitely not impossible. The mentor actually has a powerful takeaway from working with Paul in the sense he or she is able to share his experiences and coach another individual. In fact, it is overcoming his obstacles that may breed inspiration within his mentor in future scenarios. Research Aims Against this background, this work intends to critically analyse the role of the mentor in such a scenario. Initially, it wil l define mentorship, following up with an explanation of the mentor role, concluding with a critical analysis of research studying mentoring effectiveness in similar situations. Furthermore, this paper will explain the impact mentoring has on the mentor. In Paul’s case, mentoring will help him to live with his learning disability, rather than deal with it. At the same time, he will be doing more than learning, but also teaching. He will be showing the mentor that he can do what he is putting his mind to and so can they. Some of the characteristics of a mentor that will help Paul in realising this goal include the ability to initiate ideas and foster a willingness to learn in another person. While mentoring another person, the mentor is actually getting just as much, if not more, than the mentee. Paul will learn about emotional intelligence, and be afforded the opportunity to explore what that looks like in a mentoring relationship. Another characteristic is openness to divers ity. This is one characteristic that both benefits the mentor and the mentee. To the mentor, Paul is granting a unique and in-depth look into his life, allowing others to experience the diversity that he brings to various situations. What is Mentorship? To gain a clear understanding of the concept of mentorship, it is imperative to first define the terms for intents and purposes of this research. The Businesswomen’s Association (2011) website defines mentoring as â€Å"a relationship between two parties who are not connected within a line management structure, in which one party (a mentor) guides the other (the mentee) through a period of change towards an agreed objective.† This definition will be the one used for the purposes of this research. Mentoring is about providing help and support in a non-threatening way; such a manner that the learner appreciates and values the constructive criticisms and feedback, allowing it to empower him or her to move forward confident ly toward his or her ultimate goal(s). The process is also concerned with creating an informal forum in which one person can feel encouraged to discuss needs, wants, desires, and circumstances openly, confiding in another person who may be in a position to positively help him or her, or at the very least lend an ear and

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Brown Vs The Board Of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Brown Vs The Board Of Education - Essay Example The deciding factors in this case not only concerned children and their education but was also influenced by the fact that there was a human tendency to prejudge and discriminate against others based on their ethnic or religious culture as well as their physical characteristics. The impact of the decision in this case was felt in many social situations and was not limited to education and children. Although Brown v Board of Education is widely recognised for the way that segregation in schools was overruled this was not the first legal challenge on such a policy. In 1849 the case of Roberts v City of Boston was brought by African Americans were racial segregation had been mandated in certain schools. Social reform and the Civil Rights Movement were a direct result of the Brown case and the notion of democracy was enforced as pertaining to all individuals. Although the decision in Brown was given in 1954 it was a further ten years before the ruling was applied in the Deep South. The i mpact of this delay is that male workers who finished their education before segregation was stopped were less well educated then those whose education occurred after desegregation. Although Brown is largely responsible for the abolition of racial disparities in schools these had already started to disappear twenty years before this case . Large scale desegregation in the Deep South did not take place until ten years after the decision in Brown and was part of the U S commission on Civil Rights 1967 .