Sunday, December 29, 2019

Argumentative Essay On Transgender Children - 1223 Words

â€Å"One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them† this quote written by Aldous Huxley accurately describes the impact parents have on their children. When parents aid their transgender children in transitioning into the opposite sex they are committing child abuse; changing sex is unsafe, indecent, and permanent. Over the course of a month, I have been a slave to the library. I have read over 30 articles on transgenderism; The basis of my opinion comes from well-sifted through research. The definition of child abuse is the mistreatment of a child by physical, sexual, or emotional ill-treatment or neglect, especially by those responsible for his or her welfare. Parents of transgender kids are neglecting what they need†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å" Dr. Lawrence Mayer, a resident in the department of psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and a professor of statistics and biostatistics at Arizona State University, argues th at young people aren t equipped to make these judgments for themselves†(Firger). Instead of fixing their child, parents and doctors are putting a bandaid on an injury that lies within the mind. Transgenderism was initially given the title of gender dysphoria and is now referred to as gender identity disorder or G.I.D. â€Å"...some children as young as 3, show early signs of gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder, mental health experts who work with transgender children estimate...† (Park). Although a child can present with early symptoms of gender identity disorder, there is no way to ascertain whether or not it is temporary. Eli Coleman previously chaired on a committee for the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is an international association devoted to individuals with G.I.D. The committee s purpose was to update the treatment guidelines. He said, â€Å"It’s important to acknowledge the signs of gender dysphoria especially for children†(Park). Consequently getting the right kind of help after acknowledging the child shows any symptoms is moreShow MoreRelatedT he Pros and Cons of Gay Marriage1370 Words   |  6 PagesThe Pros and Cons of Gay Marriage LP 3: Argumentative Essay Patty Waters NAU Composition II Sue Cochran, Instructor Sunday, March 24, 2013 Abstract This essay covers the pros and cons concerning gay marriage. You will discover some new laws and amendments that are about to happen in our country, and some things that people are against. There are many issues that will be covered from rights and benefits to getting married legally. You will read reports, stories and articles from lawyersRead MoreA Brief Note On Sociological Factors On Clients1666 Words   |  7 Pages CHCDEV002 ANALYSE IMPACTS OF SOCIOLOGICAL FACTORS ON CLIENTS IN COMMUNITY WORK AND SERVICES ASSESSMENT A – ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY ~ Australia’s social inclusion policy and its failure to support all minorities, specifically same-sex couples King (cited in Australian Marriage Equality, 2015) stated â€Å"When any society says that I cannot marry a certain person, that society has cut off a segment of my freedom†. This quote from Martin Luther King Jr is as applicable today to legalising same-sexRead MoreSociety s Problems, Broadly Speaking Essay2514 Words   |  11 Pagestrying to search for stories and biographies about people who had to suffer. As I was reading stories and articles about another person’s life, it told me that there are so many worse situations than what I have seen. The difficult part of the 4 essays was coming up with different topics while still staying in the same genre. But because there were so many varieties and articles about people changing their looks for their peers. Another difficult section of the W.O.W. project was the informativeRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pageshe cannot keep up (literally!) with Dr. Robbin’s accomplishments on the track, Dr. Judge enjoys golf, cooking and baking, literature (he’s a particular fan of Thomas Hardy and is a member of the Thomas Hardy Society), and keeping up with his three children, who range in age from 23 to 9. Preface Welcome to the fifteenth edition of Organizational Behavior! Long considered the standard for all organizational behavior textbooks, this edition continues its tradition of making current, relevant research

Saturday, December 21, 2019

I Have A Friend Who Is Not Proficient In Sports. Compared

I have a friend who is not proficient in sports. Compared to other males, he calls himself the â€Å"worst at sports.† During physical education class in high school, his class had competitions to see who would run the fastest. They all got separated into groups, so they can compete one group at a time. As his group competed, everyone was staring my friend and made strange facial expressions. After the run, people started coming up to him and saying, â€Å"You run like a girl† or â€Å"You have a form of a girly girl running.† He had a whole bunch of teases that came from his classmates, and the only reason that people ridicule him is because he is gay. In today’s society, it is a controversial issue that people are mocking those who are part of the†¦show more content†¦In addition to this, there are also female athletes who are part of the LGBT community. Some of them are WNBA player Brittney Griner, Olympic soccer player Megan Rapinoe, tennis legend Billie Jean King, and former WNBA player Sheryl Swoopes. Before the law of gay marriage passing in 2015, many LGBT people were scared to tell everyone that they are gay because they were afraid that people were going to ridicule them. Especially in the media, professional athletes were struggling to tell the whole world that they are gay. The media, of course, wants to know every detail in professional athletes’ lives, so everyone else in the world can hear about them. Because of the increase of media outlets, like Facebook and Twitter, more and more people are into social media, which makes it harder for the LGBT express themselves. Media and sports are huge in today’s society. Sports get their popularity because of media. The audience is more attentive with sports because of the wide range of media outlets out there. As more media outlets are created, more people are interested in sports. Media outlets, such as ESPN and CBS Sports, play a crucial role in the growth of sports. The media loves to share everything that is happening in sports, which is why they share announcements of the LGBTQ people. Many athletes publicly announce that they are a part of the LGBTQ community through media. Because of media, many people get to react to howShow MoreRelatedLearning And Socio Emotional Behavior1509 Words   |  7 Pagesconstantly hungry. Although like most kids his age leans toward junk food when given the option his mother has made a point to provide healthy snacks to take to school giving Debster a greater appreciation for nutrition. As far as health issues, parents have said he’s been relatively healthy overall even managing to avoid a bad flu that swept through his class last year. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Economic Migration A Threat or a Blessing to Developed Countries Free Essays

INTRODUCTION TO GLOBALISTION Individual Report To what extent is economic migration a threat or a blessing to developed countries? In general, the primary human right is life and to lead this life wherever desirable, where it is possible to live the most freely, easily and in complete security. In order to do this, people move across the world, voluntarily or forcibly, in the search for this new place. Migration is the movement of people from one place in the world to another, due to vital reasons for a better quality of life: political reasons and economic reasons. We will write a custom essay sample on Economic Migration: A Threat or a Blessing to Developed Countries? or any similar topic only for you Order Now We know certainly two basic trends that are the base for migration. The first is Global Population growth and the second is the global shift in employment. The first one is referring to the global population, which has deep roots in the past and is concern with the problem of birth and death occurring each day. It is estimate that the world population is continuing to increase starting from the year 1950, when it was just 3 billion people in the world and nowadays, in 2007, when it is 6 billion citizenry- according with the statistics realised by the Census Bureau. The second trend is related to the economic reasons and we will focus on them, being the principal theme for this report. Economic migration results from economic activities that result in the movement of persons from one country to another for entrepreneurial, industrial, professional, labour market or commercial motives. In an era of globalization, economic or labour migration is on the rise. Due to lack of employment opportunities in developing countries and increased demands for low-wage workers in developed countries, youth, women and men are pursuing work in other countries in order to support themselves and their families back home. Recent statistics demonstrate that there are around 200 million persons per year who migrate throughout the world. The International Organization for Migration estimates that there are 80 million economic migrants worldwide. These migrations are most often from poor countries to rich countries rather than the reverse. The principal places attracting migrants are the petroleum producing Persian Gulf countries, the United States and the European Union. It is not confined to poor countries – inhabitants of rich countries also migrate for economic reasons to other countries. Traditionally and historically, the USA has been hotspot of economic migrants since it is seen as the ‘land of opportunity’. Thousands of people from all across the world, including Britain, try to move to the USA for a better life. For example a lecturer at an Ivy League University still earns more than someone at a top university in the UK. Many economic migrants to the USA come from Latin America and the Caribbean. About 150,000 Mexicans enter illegally each year, resulting in 3 to 4 million illegal Mexicans in the USA. They arrive in dangerous conditions such as hidden in the backs of lorries under legal produce. The chart below shows the projected U. S. population growth if immigration and fertility remain similar to today’s rates. [pic] But is economic migration a threat or a blessing to developed countries? A threat is any activity whose appearance is likely to break the social equilibrium and peace in a part of the world. Growing immigration into the rich countries whether voluntary, forced, regular or clandestine tends to be built up into a bubbling volcano that can become active at the least pressure from the lava. It can give rise to three types of threats. On the security level, the influx of migrants can be a source of recruits for a possible terrorist network, on the one hand. On the other hand, neglected immigrants, without means of subsistence, can form networks of criminals; can be contributors to urban insecurity and creators of communities favorable to possible terrorist recruitment efforts. On the economic level, immigrants can be a significant reservoir for the recruitment of cheap labour to the detriment of citizens. That can result in an increase in the unemployment rate for the latter, which becomes a concern for governments. Providing assistance for the immigrants can have an influence on public budgets and contribute to the erosion of the purchasing power of citizens. That could, in the long run, create frustrations among citizens and result in acts of violent discrimination with regrettable consequences. On the socio-cultural level, the struggle for reciprocal influence between immigrant cultures and local cultures could give rise to a national identity conflict through several mechanisms. Immigrants who are victims of discrimination, social injustices and other tension-creating acts, could use violence to demand their rights. Various illicit forms of trafficking, particularly the trafficking of human beings through migration, are also threats arising from migration. ECONOMIC MIGRATION DAMAGES the IMMIGRANT’S HOME COUNTRY To argue that Britain needs economic migrants because of their alleged energy, talent and skills, is to ignore the flip side of that coin which is that the country they came from is going to be deprived of their energy, talent and skills. Every economic migrant who comes here is depriving his or her country of their ability, and is prolonging their own country’s agony. It is irresponsible and immoral to deprive countries in this way. Economic migration on these terms is a form of piracy, which should be outlawed! Morally speaking, developed countries should not encourage a brain drain from the developing world, especially not of those who have been described as hard working, educated and entrepreneurial. Immigration’s needed to explain why they advocate the economic piracy and brain draining of the developing world. They need to explain why they advocate a policy guaranteed to keep the developing world in poverty. The people who promote open borders and migration, either as an imagined â€Å"solution† to global economic injustice, or population pressure, or because they want to effect demographic change in the Western world, are in the wrong. Here are some of their frequently heard myths: â€Å"We need economic migrants to keep the Health Service going† The only reason nurses from Asia are being imported is because we do not, and won’t, pay a living wage to nurses from this country. This is a new form of 21st century slavery. Britain abolished the Atlantic slave trade. Let’s not start a new version. Why are we importing teachers when we have teachers on the dole? It is not because we have a shortage of labour. It is because we have a shortage of people willing to do these jobs at the low wages offered. â€Å"Many companies could not survive without immigrants† So what? If the companies are only employing immigrants then what goods are they doing for anyone other than immigrants? â€Å"Immigrants do the work we would not do† This is not necessarily true. Are we to believe that without any immigrants we would have no cafes, no waiters, and no cleaners? Off course not. The only reason immigrants are doing these jobs is because they don’t pay well enough for indigenous people to accept them. Relying on immigrants to do this work is a form of slavery. Instituting a modern form of slavery is immoral. It is not a sign of a progressive society. It is certainly not something of which we should be proud. Instead, it is morally right to do our own drudgery work. â€Å"Many economic migrants are highly skilled and have a lot to offer† Again, this demonstrates the extent to which their home countries are missing out on their talent and skills. If a talented person flees his or her homeland then they become part of their home country’s problem, not part of the solution. â€Å"Immigrants create jobs. Look at Marks and Spencer, for example† Simply because a tiny handful of past immigrants went on to found high street chain stores, does not mean that all immigrants are potentially able to do this, will do this, or that it is something only immigrants can do. If there is a genuine need for more shops and businesses then that need will be met, without the help of immigrants. Secondly, because something happened in the past does not mean it will happen again. And thirdly, in the past, levels of immigration were much lower and there were periods of almost zero immigration, where new immigrants had the time to settle and assimilate into society. â€Å"When economic migrants are forced to enter illegally, they become prey to criminal traffickers, and so the answer is to make it easier for them to apply for entry legally† Are we to believe that all illegal immigrants, many of whom do not even speak English, would be granted admission if they applied legally? So long as there are any kinds of border controls whatsoever, then there will always be people attempting to enter Britain illegally. That is because such people simply have no skills to offer legally. If we really wanted to cut out criminal traffickers then we would simply open the doors wide so everybody could enter in ease, and that is the inevitable logic of this kind of thinking. That would be the irresponsible and immoral act of a government, which had abdicated any concern for the political, social, cultural, environmental and quality of life consequences of its policies. There is a lot of disadvantages of economic migration to developed countries but is there any benefits of this? Yes is the simple answer and the benefits are many. Immigration Minister Liam Byrne said it was important to â€Å"strike a new balance† in immigration policy. â€Å"That means looking at the wider benefits to the developed countries economy on the one hand, but it means we have to take into account the wider impact on these countries public services and life as well. We need to weigh both things up before we take big decisions on immigration. † â€Å"It is clear that migration brings huge economic benefits to the developed countries such as United Kingdom or United States of America. † for BBC news said Dr Sriskandarajah. Low jobless rates in Ireland, Sweden, Britain, America and other developed countries with high migration suggest that, so far, foreigners are not squeezing out natives. Migrants also help to create jobs, because a good supply of labour encourages those with capital to invest more. Also, foreign workers are often more flexible than native ones, too. Having already moved from Mexico to New York, lets say, they are probably willing to take a job in Washington. Migrant labour helps to keep economies on an even keel. And they are consumers, too, renting accommodation and buying goods and services. His Polish customers, who are fond of Smirnoff vodka and east European lager, delight the owner of the off-licence for example in Holloway road. Holloway supermarkets, fast-food restaurants and other shops are flourishing too. Business benefits- price/wage growth is likely to slow or fall back, protected by the minimum wage, as a new supply of working age migrants boost the Scottish economy. This provides clear business benefits and helps explain the CBI’s support for managed immigration to support business growth. A shortage of workers can stifle growth and lead to wage inflation reducing the competitiveness of Scottish made goods. There is a popular myth is that economic migrants come here and steal ‘our jobs’. There is no fixed supply of jobs, indeed more workers in the economy fuel more jobs. So attracting new labour into work will actually create jobs rather than reduce them. Indeed many sectors struggle to fill vacancies leading to skill shortages both within essential public services and in the private sector. To conclude, like in every phenomenon there are blessings and threats to others. But the 21st century phenomenon of economic migration is a reality that openly threatens peace in the world. States and the international community together should integrate this question into their political strategies in order to find ways and means likely to give rise to a better socioeconomic and security balance among people. Word count (excluding bibliography)- 1996 words BIBLIOGRAPHY Newspapers: ? The Economist print edition- ‘Migration’, May 10th 2001 ? The Economist print edition- ‘of bed sheets and bison grass vodka’, Jan 3rd, 2008 Web pages and TV: ? http://issues. takingitglobal. org ? http://www. globalfootprints. org/issues ? www. migrationwatchuk. org ? http://www. northlan. ov. uk/business+and+employment/local+economy/economic+inf ormation/ ? Colonel Kaumbu Yankole Army / Democratic Republic of the Congo- ‘is migration a threat? ’ ? Bbc news- Migration ’causes pressure in UK’. Wednesday, 17 October 2007 ? http://www. economist. com/finance/displaystory. cfm? story_id=E1_NGDRDTJ Books: ? Suman Gupta and Tope Omoniyi- The cu ltures of economic migration: international perspectives, 2007 ? Bjorn Lomborg- Solutions for the world’s biggest problems: costs and benefits ? Stephen Glover- Migration: an economic and social analysis, c2001 How to cite Economic Migration: A Threat or a Blessing to Developed Countries?, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Competitive Advantage In Through Efficient â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Competitive Advantage In Through Efficient? Answer: Introducation Logitechs decision to shift its corporate headquarters from Switzerland to Fremont, California was a strategic business decision. In business, corporate headquarters is an important location that drives innovation, marketing and distribution of a firms product. In this respect, its location should be strategically located in an environment which entails a company's key consumers. According to Finne and Sivonen (2008), locating a firms headquarters near or in its primary market enhances its competitive advantage. Companies exist to serve the demand of their customers. Consequently, firms cannot attain profitability if they do not understand its customers preference. As indicated in the case study, the major technology firms that Logitech targeted with its producAnswer:wever, attracting these high technology enterprises required Logitech to have a good comprehension of what they like and how they operate. As a result, the company shifted its headquarters to California to increase its interaction with its key customers. In a competitive sector like the one Logitech operates in, gaining insights on customers preferences is a key competitive advantage. Customers prefer to purchase products from companies that they feel produce products which address their requirements. According to Shenkar and Luo (2008), corporate headquarters functions as the heart of a firms product research and development activities. However, product research and development can only be attained through interaction with the firms key customers. Moreover, the move could have been motivated by marketing purposes. With an already established computer peripheral market, the United States provided an ideal environment for Logitech to sell its brand locally and globally. Although several perspectives can be applied to explain Logitechs decision to shift its headquarters, the move intended to increase the companys international presence and profitability in the long term. References Finne, S., Sivonen, H. (2008). The Retail Value Chain: How to Gain Competitive Advantage through Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Strategies. Philadelphia: Kogan Page Publishers. Shenkar, O., Luo, Y. (2008). International Business. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thomas Jefferson Essay Summary Example For Students

Thomas Jefferson Essay Summary 1. Jefferson had destroyed political traditions. From his contradictions and defecting his priciples, Jefferson destroyed the political precedent and is a exemplatory hypocrite,which can be seen throughout his administration. Jefferson was an admired statesman who was grappling unsuccessfully with the moral issue of slavery. Thomas Jefferson,the author of the Declaration of Independence, opposed slavery his whole life, yet he never freed his own slaves. He championed Enlightenment principles, yet never freed himself of the prejudices of his soceity. Jefferson was extremely hypocriticalin the issue of slavery. Jefferson was a plantation owner early in his life, and had slaves working for him throughout his life. Jefferson had tolerated while he didnt accept others who owned slaves. Jefferson denounced the slave owners, while he was owning and using slaves. Although Jefferson was supposedly a good slave owner, his hypocritical nature made him accuse others not to own slaves while he, hims elf was owning slaves. Another part of the hypocrisy was that Jefferson believed that the slaves were dependent upon the white man, while he, himself was dependent upon the slaves. Jefferson also was hypocritcal in his acquisition of the Loisiana territory. In Jeffersonian principles, large expansive governments were bad, and small was good. This was a antithesis of that principle. Jefferson knew that the acquisition of the Loisiana territory was beneficial to the welfare of the U.S. According to the constitution, nowhere in the constitution is the acquisition of land a right of the government, Jeffersons predisposition was to strictly go by the constitution (as seen with the national bank controversy), this is another contradiction during his administration. Since the appropriation of the Lousiana territory was important for the expansion of the united states, he temporarily dismissed his principles, therefore destroying political traditions. Another hypocritical event during Jeffe rsons administrationwas his acceptance of the National Bank. Early in Jeffersons political career, Jefferson had debated with Hamilton on whether to have the National Bank. When this government was first established, it was possible to have kept it going on true principles, but the contracted, English, half-lettured ideas of Hamilton destroyed that hope in the bud, We can pay off his debts in 15 years. Early in Jeffersons Administration, Jefferson had denounced the National Bank. At the end of his administration, Jefferson realized that the National Bank was important and this is hypocritical by disregarding his principles. The Burr conspiracy depicted Jefferson as a ruthless, and a individual who will do anything inorder to achieve his goal. We will write a custom essay on Thomas Jefferson Summary specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Jefferson championed civil liberties and unalienable rights. Yet, Jefferson violated civil liberties by coercing witnesses, arrested with out habeus corpus and prosecuting in a court of his own. Jefferson and Jeffersonians are hypocrites from the start and they destroyed political tradition as seen during Jeffersons administration. Jeffersonians show an immense amount of hypocritism in their policies. For example, Federalists had supported high tarriffs, inorder to protect national manufacturers and american industry.The tarriffs were a vital determinent, which kept the economy ofthe United States viable. The Jeffersonians, not the Federalists began the American system of protecting american industry which initially was a major constituent of the federalist platform.2THOMAS JEFFERSONIn the thick of party conflict in 1800, Thomas Jefferson wrote in a private letter, I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. This powerful advocate of liberty was born in 1743 in Albermarle County, Virginia, inheriting from his father, a planter and surveyor, some 5,000 acres of land, and from his mother, a Randolph, high social standing. He studied at the College of William and Mary, then read law. In 1772 he married Martha Wayles Skelton, a widow, and took her to live in his partly constructed mountaintop home, Monticello. Freckled and sandy-haired, rather tall and awkward, Jefferson was eloquent as a correspondent, but he was no public speaker. In the Virginia House of Burgesses and the Continental Congress, he contributed his pen rather than his voice to the patriot cause. As the silent member of the Congress, Jefferson, at 33, drafted the Declaration of Independence. In years following he labored to make its words a reality in Virginia. Most notably, he wrote a bill establishing religious freedom, enacted in 1786. Jefferson succeeded Benjamin Franklin as minister to France in 1785. His sympathy for the French Revolution led him into conflict with Alexander Hamilton when Jefferson was Secretary of State in President Washingtons Cabinet. He resigned in 1793. Sharp political conflict developed, and two separate parties, the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans, began to form. Jefferson gradually assumed leadership of the Republicans, who s ympathized with the revolutionary cause in France. Attacking Federalist policies, he opposed a strong centralized Government and championed the rights of states. As a reluctant candidate for President in 1796, Jefferson came within three votes of election. Through a flaw in the Constitution, he became Vice President, although an opponent of President Adams. In 1800 the defect caused a more serious problem. Republican electors, attempting to name both a President and a Vice President from their own party, cast a tie vote between Jefferson and Aaron Burr. The House of Representatives settled the tie. Hamilton, disliking both Jefferson and Burr, nevertheless urged Jeffersons election. When Jefferson assumed the Presidency, the crisis in France had passed. He slashed Army and Navy expenditures, cut the budget, eliminated the tax on whiskey so unpopular in the West, yet reduced the national debt by a third. He also sent a naval squadron to fight the Barbary pirates, who were harassing Am erican commerce in the Mediterranean. Further, although the Constitution made no provision for the acquisition of new land, Jefferson suppressed his qualms over constitutionality when he had the opportunity to acquire the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon in 1803. During Jeffersons second term, he was increasingly preoccupied with keeping the Nation from involvement in the Napoleonic wars, though both England and France interfered with the neutral rights of American merchantmen. Jeffersons attempted solution, an embargo upon American shipping, worked badly and was unpopular. Jefferson retired to Monticello to ponder such projects as his grand designs for the University of Virginia. A French nobleman observed that he had placed his house and his mind on an elevated situation, from which he might contemplate the universe. He died on July 4, 1826. 3We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed unalienable rights; that among these are lif e, liberty, and the pursuit ofhappiness. These famous lines of the Declaration of Independence was written in the front parlor of a second floor rented apartment by the American, Thomas Jefferson. These few words show what ideas and beliefs Thomas Jefferson stood for, and how he continuously fought for these words to become fulfilled in his country. This powerful advocate of liberty was born in 1743 in Albermarle County, Virginia. From his father he inherited some 5,000 acres of land, and from his mother, a high social ranking. He studied at the College of William and Mary, then read the law. Thomas Jefferson was a man of many different talents. He knew several languages, including Latin and Greek. He was an expert mathematician who was even able to calculate when eclipses of the sun and moon would occur. He could design buildings, perform medical operations like an experienced surgeon, survey land, and play the violin. Despite his thinness, he was strong enough to tame a wild horse and chop wood like a lumberjack. Most important of all, he was know to be a superb writer. Though surprisingly, Thomas Jefferson was not a man of many words. Not known for his speaking abilities, he was shy and seldom spoke in public. When delegates at the Congress gave long speeches, Thomas Jefferson oftentimes just listened. John Adams said of Jefferson, During the whole time I sat with him in Congress, I never heard him utter three sentences together. Instead, this Virginian contributed his pen rather than his voice to the patriotic cause. Being known throughout the colonies as a fine writer on political questions, he received the most votes to become the chairman of the committee elected to write a Declaration ofIndependence. The other members of the committee asked him to write a first draft of the Declaration. Jefferson began his work in the parlor of his apartment. For several days, he worked long hours at a desk, writing this Declaration for which he is widely known. He des cribed that his words were not meant to be original or creative, but to be an expression of the American mind. Thomas Jefferson was a reluctant candidate for President in 1796, and came within three votes of election. However in 1800 he did become the third president of the United States. As president Jefferson slashed Army and Navy expenditures, cut the budget, eliminated tax on whiskey, and reduced thenational debt by a third. Although the Constitution made no provisions for the acquisition of new land, Jefferson suppressed his qualms over constitutionality and acquired the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon in 1803. Jefferson retired to Monticello to ponder such projects as his grand designs for the University of Virginia. As a French nobleman observed, he had placed his house and his mind on an elevated situation, from which he might contemplate the universe. Truly, Thomas Jefferson was an American. He had endless devotion and love for his country, and helped establish what the A merican experience stood for. He had a great impact on how the young nation grew into the powerful country it is today. Not only did he physically double the size of the United States, he played a key role in making the nation independent. .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7 , .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7 .postImageUrl , .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7 , .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7:hover , .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7:visited , .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7:active { border:0!important; } .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7:active , .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7 .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ueed461aade7196354601534b8a4292c7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Inner Changes in Silas Marner Essay4Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743 to Peter and Jane Jefferson. His exact place of birth is not known. But it is believed to be about five miles outside of Charlottesville. He had ten brothers and sisters, but many of them died very young. Jefferson was one of two surviving sons. He was sandy-haired, tall, and awkward. His nickname was Long Tom. He really enjoyed outdoor activities, especially riding, shooting, and canoeing. Jefferson was also great musician and a diligent worker who loved to study. His father impressed upon him a love of reading and writing. Although he was not a great public speaker, Jefferson was a very eloqu ent writer. After his fathers death, Jefferson left for school in Williamsburg. He fell in love there many times, but did not marry until he entered law school. He met and fell in love with a twenty-one year old widow named Martha Skelton, they married in 1772. The couple had six children, but three died in infancy. By all accounts, they had a very happy marriage. The young couple was exceedingly happy and exceedingly busythey were gay and loving(Padover, 23). Early in their marriage they were very wealthy. The Jeffersons were one of the largest land owners in Virginia by the time Tom was in his late twenties. Partly because of Toms hard work, but mainly because of the large amount of land and money left to them by Marthas father in his will. In his thirties, Jefferson was Virginias delegate to congress. He wrote the Declaration of Independence at the age of thirty-three. This was Jeffersons most famous piece of literature. He also wrote the bill establishing religious freedom, this backed up the ideas he threaded into the Declaration. Originally, Jefferson tried to add a clause to free the slaves, but southern delegates would not sign the Declaration until that clause was removed. He claimed he planned to free his slaves after his death. Jefferson fought for the Republican party and argued strongly against Federalist policies. The Republican party was later renamed the Jeffersonian Republicans after him. Jefferson was a very reluctant candidate for president. He lost by only three votes. Because of a flaw in the constitution he became Vice-President under John Adams even though he was an opponent. Years later, the same clause brought about another problem, when Aaron Burr and Jefferson tied for President. The House of Re presentative settled the tie. Jefferson had high and almost immediate popularity as President. Almost as soon as he came into office, the crisis in France passed. He then cut army expenditures and many taxes. He also acquired territory from Napoleon through the Louisiana Purchase. After his presidency, Jefferson retired to Monticello. He still enjoyed many of his outdoor activities, but also used much of his time to develop ideas. He constantly received letters from friends and the inquisitive. After his death, Jeffersons grandson found twenty six thousand letters and sixteen thousand responses on file. In his old age, Jefferson got the idea for a system of higher learning. He introduced his idea of a University to congress, but it was rejected. Virginias legislatures took on Jeffersons project the University of Virginia was built. Jefferson always seemed to be thinking of the well being and the future of our country. He had visions of the United States being a superior and highly educated society. At his death bed, he struggled to live until the fourth of July. Jefferson died in his home on Independence Day in 1826, fifty years to the day after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. His tombstone reads as requested Here was buried Thomas Jefferson. A uthor of the Declaration of Independence, of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom, and father of the University of Virginia(Padover, 186). .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747 , .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747 .postImageUrl , .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747 , .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747:hover , .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747:visited , .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747:active { border:0!important; } .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747:active , .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747 .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud957c28d453072792cb384953dedf747:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Saint Francis of Assisi and the Stigmata EssayPadovers book was very interesting. It gave a personal touch to the political life of Thomas Jefferson. No much of the book could be debated because it was merely stating facts on Jeffersons life. However, a lot of the book seemed to be an over glorification of him. They seem to over look certain things about his life. For instance, Jefferson is congratulated for the clause in his will to free his slaves. If he was such an advocate of equality, it seems he would have done this during his lifetime. It also seems somewhat ironic in light of the recent DNA testing to prove that he had a sexual relationship with at least one of his slaves. However, many historians say that Jefferson did pay special attention to his illigitimate son, even though he never claimed him. This is mainly due to the beliefs of the time. It was socially acceptable, though never really talked about, to use your female slaves as your personal harem. At the time the book was written, however, there was no knowledge of this relationship. It is ironic only in hindsight. Many of Padovers seeming glorifications are hard to dispute. Jefferson was a very intelligent, talented, and accomplished man. He was a great servant to his people, and usually had very good intentions for his actions. His Declaration is still a monument to our society. 5 Thomas Jefferson was a man of the greatest moral character who has been excoriated routinely over the last 30 years by historical revisionistsand presentists. His commitment to America and his vast contributions tothe framing of society as it is today are overlooked in favor of baseanalysis of his characte r that, while not flawless, is that of a morallyupright person who has deeply held convictions and lives by them. Jefferson was born to a prominent family of Virginia tobacco growers. Plantation life is based largely around the work of slaves, so Jeffersonwas surrounded by them from the time of his birth in 1743 until the dayhe died. One of the harshest criticisms of Jefferson comes from the factthat, while he vehemently opposed slavery, was indeed a slave ownerhimself. As historian Douglas L. Wilson points out in his AtlanticMonthly article Thomas Jefferson and the Character Issue, the questionshould be reversed: This was of asking the question is essentially backward, andreflects the pervasive presentism of our time. Consider, for example,how different the question appears when inverted and framed in morehistorical terms: How did a man who was born into a slave holdingsociety, whose family and admired friends owned slaves, who inherited afortune that was dependent on slaves and slave labor, decide at an earlyage that slavery was morally wrong and forcefully declare that it oughtto be abolished? (Wilson 66). Wilson also argues that Jefferson knew that his slaves would be betteroff working for him than freed in a world where they would be treatedwith contempt and not given any real freedoms. Another way that Thomas Jefferson shows his moral character is in hismost famous achievement, the drafting of the Declaration ofIndependence. This document is probably the most important document inthe history of the United States, and one of the most important in thehistory of the world. Jefferson writes that all men are created equaland argues that every man has the right to life, liberty, and thepursuit of happiness. Jeffersons document shows not only his stronglyheld beliefs in freedom, but his acceptance of and belief in the viewsof the Age of Reason. He believed himself to be a person who was doingwhat was morally right, not for the fame that would eventually accompanyit. In fact, he didnt want to write the Declaration to begin with. In1776, the song Not Me, John shows how Jefferson was pushed into doingit, despite the fact that he would have actually rather gone home to seehis wife. When nobody else would do it, he acquiesced and agreed towrite it. His quote, What will posteri ty think we were demigods?Were men no more, no less (1776), shows how as a contemporary ofsuch philosophical greats as Voltaire and Mill, he did what he didbecause it was what needed to happen not in any way, shape, or formbecause he wanted to be remembered as a demigod, a status he actuallyhad anyway, according to Wilson, until the 1960s. Another thing that Jeffersons character is criticized for and blownout of proportion is his liaison with a slave, Sally Hemings. HistorianFawn Brodie argues that it was not scandalous debauchery with aninnocent slave victim, but rather a serious passion that broughtJefferson and the slave woman much happiness over a period lastingthirty-eight years. True, their affair started when she was only 14years old, but to criticize this is terribly presentistic. In colonialtimes, especially in the middle and southern colonies, girls weremarried off between the ages of 13 and 16; it was not considereddefilement and abuse like it is today. In fact, his relationship withHemings could actually be considered to be a positive thing for him ontwo fronts: Since she was 52 when he died, Jefferson obviously did notlust after her solely on a physical basis; also, he promised his wifewhen she died that he would not remarry. He fulfilled his promise onlybecause he found a woman to love whom he was not exp ected, indeed notallowed, to marry. This is a weak front on which to criticize Jefferson. Given Jeffersons contributions to American society, it is almostimpossible to find him to be morally weak and coarse. Those who do arepresentists, cynics, and nay-sayers who are simply looking for a way tocriticize one of the greatest Americans who has ever lived.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Treatment of women by Shakespeare and Sophocles

Treatment of women by Shakespeare and Sophocles Othello, The moor of Venice was a play written by William Shakespeare and has contributed to his reputation as a great poet. Oedipus, was a play written by Sophocles and has secured great audience. There is similarity in both plays on how women are treated in the society. The essay will focus in outlining the different treatments accorded to the women as outlined by Shakespeare and Sophocles.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Treatment of women by Shakespeare and Sophocles specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In both plays women are highly controlled by men in the society. Women are not accorded the right of making their own decisions. In Othello, Roderigo beliefs that he should be the one to marry Desdemona no matter what happens. Roderigo and Lago accuse Othello falsely and tell Brabanzio that he has stolen his daughter, Desdemona using witchcraft. ‘Transported, with no worse nor better guard, but with a knave of c ommon hire, a gondolier, Shakespeare 7.’ Further, Brabanzio attempts to control his daughter’s life by accusing Othello to the senate. Consequently, Desdemona confesses that since she is married to Othello, she is submissive to him. ‘So much I challenge that I may profess Due to the Moor my lord, Shakespeare 11.’ Lago controls Desdemona successfully and implicates her as having an affair with Cassio. Lago controls Emilia and lures her to commit crime. Emilia is submissive and obeys her husband’s order of stealing Desdemona’s handkerchief. Further, Lago attempts to silence Emilia in the end of the play after she realizes what he has done. In Oedipus, Creon kidnaps Antigone and Ismene since he is unsuccessful in abducting Oedipus. The kidnap shows how easily women are controlled by men. Further, Creon refuses to listen to explanation given by Antigone after she buries his brother. ‘No woman’s going to govern me no, no- not while Ià ¢â‚¬â„¢m still alive, Sophocles 4’ Women are accused falsely and tortured in both plays. In Othello, Lago accuses Desdemona of having an affair with Cassio. ‘O, beware, my lord, of jealousy, Shakespeare 23.’ Further, Othello accuses Desdemona of being a prostitute. Othello kills Desdemona because he thinks that she is unfaithful. Lago kills Emilia because she tells the truth and attempts to escape. In Oedipus, Creon sentence Antigone and Ismene to death simply because they have given their brother a proper burial. Despite the fact that he forgives Ismene, he orders that Antigone should be buried alive.Advertising Looking for essay on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Creon attempts to kill Antigone when Haemon fails to support his judgment. ‘No, not when I see you making a mistake and being unjust, Sophocles 7’ After the advice given by the blind prophet, Creon i s reluctant to free Antigone. Antigone hangs herself because she is imprisoned and maltreated by Creon. In both plays the views of women are disregard. In Othello, the views of Desdemona being in love with Othello are only taken seriously after the judgment is given by the senate. ‘Adieu, brave Moor, use Desdemona well, Shakespeare 18.’ Othello disregards the views given by Desdemona on reinstating Cassio to his position. As a matter of fact, he interprets the views presented by Desdemona as being due to an affair with Cassio. Othello disregards the explanation that Desdemona has in regard to the accusation of being unfaithful and kills her. ‘Shes, like a liar, gone to burning hell, Shakespeare 28.’ After Othello killed Desdemona, he believed more in Lago who was lying than Emilia who was telling the truth. In Oedipus, Creon disregards the explanation given by Antigone after she buries her brother. ‘Tell me with no lengthy speech, Sophocles 6.’ The body of Antigone’s brother is exhumed which shows that her actions were disregarded by Creon. Oedipus fails to yield to Antigone’s plea of accepting his brother’s request. Oedipus refuses to be comforted by Jocasta which can be interpreted as disregard. ‘Listen to me I beg you, do not do this thing, Sophocles 18.’ Eurydice curses her husband and kills herself for the disaster that his pride has brought to the land. Eurydice had always warned Creon about his stubbornness and pride but he never yielded. Tragedy Theme of tragedy is well featured in both plays. Oedipus starts with a flashback of tragedy. Polynices and Eteocles are children of Oedipus who fight and end up killing each other. Creon orders that Polynices’s body should not be buried. Antigone buries the body secretly and is sentenced to death along with her sister Ismene. Afterwards Creon orders for release of Ismene but Antigone is to be buried alive in a tomb. The blind prophe t however warns Creon against this act as it will bring calamity to the land. ‘How good advice is valuable- worth more than all possessions, Sophocles 9.’ Haemon is the first person who arrives at the tomb where Antigone is imprisoned. He finds out that Antigone has committed suicide and is devastated. Upon arrival of his father Creon, Haemon throws a sword but misses him. Haemon kills himself after he fails to kill his father. After Eurydice learns that his son is dead she is devastated and stabs herself as well. Creon is not able to withstand the many tragedies and begs for his own death. ‘I don’t know where to look or find support, Sophocles 11.’Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Treatment of women by Shakespeare and Sophocles specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The plague in the land is associated with murder of king Laius that took place long time ago. The remedy of the plague is bas ed on expulsion of the murderer of King Laius from the land. His murderer happens to be his own son King Oedipus who was raised in Corinth. His mother had sent a shepherd to kill him when he was a baby because it had been prophesied that the baby would kill his father and sleep with his mother. The shepherd opted to take the baby far away from Thebes but what had been prophesied was fulfilled since Oedipus killed his father and slept with his own mother. When Jocasta realizes that Oedipus was his son whom he has lived with as her husband she kills herself. Oedipus stabs out his eyes and orders Creon to take care of his daughters since he should be sent to exile. ‘Take care of them, Creon; do this for me, Sophocles 19.’ Oedipus dies in Athens and the city in which he is buried is safe from calamities. Creon is the main antagonist in the play as he betrays King Oedipus. His betrayal leads to many tragic events including death of his entire family. ‘Cruel mistakes th at bring on death, Sophocles 10.’ The calamity in the land is associated with tragic murder of King Laius. Both plays have featured the theme of Tragedy as evidenced by the death of main protagonists in both plays. In Othello, Desdemona is killed by her husband Othello because Lago makes him think that she is cheating on him. ‘O, falsely, falsely murdered! Shakespeare 30’ Roderigo plans to kill Cassio so as to prevent Othello from leaving with Desdemona since she loves her. Lago orders Roderigo to ambush and kill Cassio but instead Roderigo is wounded. ‘Here, at thy hand: be bold, and take thy stand, Shakespeare 32.’ Lago attempts to kill Cassio but only succeeds in wounding him. Lago pretends and accuses Roderigo of the attempted murder on Cassio and kills him. ‘O murderous slave! O villain! Shakespeare 33’ Lago kills Emilia after she told the truth and attempts to run away. Lago is seized by Lodovico and Graziano. Othello wounds Lago b ecause of his betrayal. Othello talks of how he would like to be remembered and kills himself. Lodovico gives Othello’s property to Graziano and orders for execution of Lago. ‘Graziano, keep the house, and seize upon the fortunes of the Moor, Shakespeare 36.’ Lago is the main antagonist who is the cause of tragedy.Advertising Looking for essay on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More He designs a plot to separate Desdemona and Othello which succeeds. However, the separation of Othello and Desdemona is associated with so many tragic events. Fairness and justice The theme of fairness is well featured by Shakespeare and Sophocles in their works. In Othello, Roderigo and Lago feign to search for justice by telling Brabanzio that Othello has stolen Desdemona using witchcraft. Brabanzio and Roderigo accuse Othello to the senate demanding him to release Desdemona. The senate rules fairly that Desdemona should be allowed to stay with Othello since she loves him. Cassio persuades Desdemona to plead with his husband on his behalf for him to be reinstated in his position. ‘Madam, my former suit: I do beseech you, Shakespeare 23’ The ill plot by Roderigo of separating Desdemona and Othello is accorded justice by the rule made by the senate. Roderigo’s attempt to kill Cassio is fruitless and is avenged by his death. When Cassio wounds Roderigo Lago interv enes and wounds him as well. Emilia pays for her mistakes of stealing Desdemona’s handkerchief with her life. Cassio is demoted for engaging in a fight and killing Brabanzio when he was drunk. Desdemona tries to plead with Othello to reinstate Cassio to his position to ensure justice and fairness. ‘Pray you, let Cassio be received again, Shakespeare 25.’ Further, Desdemona tries to explain to Othello that she is not involved in an affair with Cassio so that he could treat her fairly by not killing her. Othello kills Desdemona and tells Emilia that she has paid for being unfaithful to him with her life. Emilia tells the truth as a way of ensuring fairness. Lodovico and Graziano attempt to take Othello for trial because of killing Desdemona to ensure justice. ‘To the Venetian state, come, bring him away, Shakespeare 37.’ Othello pays for killing Desdemona with his life. ‘Killing myself, to die upon a kiss, Shakespeare 39.’ Lago is sentence d to death for his crimes and all the tragedy he has caused. Cassio was appointed to replace Othello as a way of justice since he had lost his position unfairly. In Oedipus, Antigone buries her brother as an act of being fair and respectful to him. Haemon refuses to side with injustice of his father by saying that Antigone should not be killed. ‘You’ll not catch me giving way to some disgrace, Sophocles 7.’ The blind prophet warns Creon of the impending disaster if Antigone is not freed from the tomb. Creon pays for all his crimes and unfairness by losing his entire family. The parents of Oedipus opted to kill their baby so as to prevent the injustice that had been prophesied concerning him. The shepherd who was told to kill baby Oedipus preferred taking him to another place rather than killing him. ‘I was told to get rid of it, Sophocles 18.’ The shepherd thought that his actions could be the only way to be fair to Oedipus and his parents. The blind prophet says that the murderer of King Laius is supposed to be expelled from the land as a remedy for the calamity that has stricken the land. When Oedipus learnt that he was the killer of his father he told Creon to send him to exile so as to pay for his sins. ‘Send me away from Thebes, Sophocles 19.’ Jocasta pays for the attempt to kill her baby with her life. Oedipus failed to support either of his sons because they did not support him when he was sent to exile. ‘Each of you suffers himself alone, Sophocles 16.’ Antigone tries to persuade his father to be lenient and fair with his sons. Athens is accorded the privilege of safety because the president helps Oedipus when he is in exile. Creon attempts to abduct Oedipus because he believes that he should be buried in Thebes for them to enjoy benefits of safety from calamities.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Famous Spech From History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Famous Spech From History - Essay Example Instead of the formal ‘Ladies and Gentlemen,’ the way he addressed the audience itself was highly stimulating. ‘Sisters and Brothers of America,’ he exposed the broad Vedantic concept of human brotherhood to the audience of seven thousand people and received a standing ovation that lasted for three minutes. Swami Vivekananda, one of the greatest religious reformers of India was born in Calcutta in 1863. His family name was Narendranath Datta. He was the son of a distinguished lawyer and his mother was a religious lady. Since his childhood he displayed extraordinary intelligence in his studies and other activities. At the age of 15 he experienced a spiritual elation and began to seek the Divine truth. Yet he was always unconvinced of traditional religious practices and longed for acquiring more spiritual insights. In 1881 he met the well known Hindu saint Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and that was in fact the turning point in his life. Ramakrishna identified the unusual personality and invited him to join his mission. Later in 1885, when Ramakrishna died he became the leader of the Ramakrishna Order. He proclaimed peace and human brotherhood not only in India but also in many of the European countries and in the United States. He worked hard for the spiritual uniqueness of Indian culture. Besides his spiritual mission he worked as a social reformer who stood against the caste discrimination, and for the eradication of poverty and illiteracy from India. Many of the political leaders, thinkers and philosophers were highly influenced by his doctrines. His fame brought him the opportunity to represent India in the World Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893. It was indeed a major breakthrough for the acceptance of his doctrines in America and in many other countries all over the world. As mentioned earlier, he addressed the Americans as his ‘brothers and